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Rekrutacja na studia prowadzone w językach obcych na rok akademicki 2024/2025

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Technologia żywności i żywienie człowieka - studia drugiego stopnia, stacjonarne, w zakr. Inżynieria żywności, ang.

Jednostka organizacyjna Wydział Nauki o Żywności
Kierunek studiów Technologia żywności i żywienie człowieka
Forma studiów Stacjonarne
Poziom kształcenia Drugiego stopnia
Języki wykładowe angielski
Czas trwania 3 semestry
Adres komisji rekrutacyjnej Wydział Nauki o Żywności
Plac Cieszyński 1,
10-726 Olsztyn
Adres WWW http://www.uwm.edu.pl/wnz/en
Wymagany dokument
  • Wykształcenie wyższe (bez licencjatu)
  Zadaj pytanie
Tura 2 (07.10.2024 00:00 – 15.11.2024 23:59)

Minione tury w tej rekrutacji:
  • Tura 1 (25.04.2024 00:00 – 27.09.2024 15:00)

Nadchodzące tury w tej rekrutacji:
  • Tura 3 (02.12.2024 00:00 – 03.01.2025 23:59)


Food technology and human nutrition - second-cycle, full-time, in the field of Food Engineering

The Faculty of Food Science of the UWM in Olsztyn, in collaboration with the Faculty of Mechanical Engineering and Process Engineering of the University of Applied Sciences in Offenburg, offers an opportunity to take up full-time, 3-semester, second degree master studies in the Food technology and human nutrition, in the field of food engineering.

General information

A Master’s program (MPE) allows you to earn a double Polish-German diploma of the University of Warmia and Mazury in Olsztyn (Poland) and the University of Applied Sciences in Offenburg (Germany).

The program provides a comprehensive coverage of bioprocess and food manufacturing systems engineering. This course focuses on problems related to food and bioprocess engineering, enzymology, food quality, technical microbiology, process development, process control and advanced manufacturing systems providing theoretical and practical knowledge needed in the food industry. After graduation students acquire skills demanded by employers, for the development of food processes and products.


The program takes three semesters to complete: the first semester at the University of Warmia and Mazury in Olsztyn, the second semester at the University of Applied Sciences in Offenburg, and the third semester (Master thesis) is conducted either at one of the participating universities or externally at a suitable company or research institution.


The candidate must have completed a first degree in higher education equivalent to a bachelor’s degree in engineering (210 ECTS) in one of the following areas: food technology and human nutrition, chemical and process engineering, bioengineering of food production, biotechnology, gastronomy, environmental engineering, environmental protection, commodity, agronomy or similar.

The admission procedure requires the Bachelor's Degree Diploma with a transcript of records.

Admission procedure is based on the ranking of the final result of the first degree studies within the enrolment limit.

 Language: All teaching classes are conducted exclusively in English.

Fee: The studies are free of charge. A registration fee of 85 PLN applies.

Professional degree obtained: M.Sc. Eng. (Master of Science in Engineering)

Accommodation: dormitories on the University Campus.

Scholarships: while studying in Germany, you may receive an Erasmus+ scholarship; additionally, if you are a Polish citizen, you can apply for a scholarship from the Maria and George Dietrich Foundation. For your stay in Poland, you can apply for scientific scholarships.



§   first (spring) semester – (classes in Olsztyn):

  1. Advanced information technologies
  2. English terminology in food engineering
  3. Enzymology and bioinformaticics
  4. Food marketing and production economics
  5. Food physics and rheology
  6. Food product development
  7. Food quality and safety management
  8. Innovative food technology and technics
  9. Methodology of experimental studies
  10. Technical microbiology/Microbiological food safety
  11. Technological equipment in food processing
  12. Trends in human nutrition and nutritional prophylaxis
  13. Training in health and safety at work
  14. Ergonomy
  15. Protection of intelectual property


§  second (winter) semester – autumn-winter (classes in Offenburg):

  1.  Modules of non-technical competences: public relations, Safety engineering + electives
  2.  Language block
  3. Process control engineering
  4. Biotechnological conversion processes
  5. Chemical engineering
  6. Technical school - Process engineering
  7. Water processing
  8. Elective modules: Biotechnical processes - BP /or/ Renewable energy conversion REC)
  9. BP: Dimensioning biotechnological processes /or/ Biotechnological processes
  10. REC: Thermochemical conversion processes /or/ Technical school - Renewable energy conversion


§   third (spring) semester (choice of Olsztyn or Offenburg, depending on the diploma work subject):


Diploma elective in Olsztyn:

  • diploma seminar
  • master's thesis
  • presentation and defense


Diploma elective in Offenburg:

  • master's thesis (with practice)
  • presentation and defense


By choosing our studies, you have a unique chance to obtain a double Polish-German diploma. We offer you studies under the supervision of academic teachers with many years of experience in conducting classes in international studies at the most beautiful university campus in Poland, located in the land of lakes and forests. 

If you are interested in an engineer’s vision of the development of food and methods of its production, you are welcome to take up Food engineering studies. Applications can be filed by graduates from engineer’s studies in agriculture, forestry, and veterinary sciences, with good knowledge of English (documented level B2), and at the same time mobile and eager to acquire new competences and experience during their studies at a Polish or German university.




Dr Adriana Lobacz
Email: adriana.lobacz@uwm.edu.pl
Phone no: +48 89 523 43 39
Website: http://www.uwm.edu.pl/wnz/en