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Rekrutacja na studia prowadzone w językach obcych na rok akademicki 2024/2025

zmień rekrutację anuluj wybór

Oferta prezentowana na tej stronie ograniczona jest do wybranej rekrutacji. Jeśli chcesz zobaczyć resztę oferty, wybierz inną rekrutację.

Inżynieria środowiska - studia pierwszego stopnia, stacjonarne, w zakr. Inżynieria środowiskowa, ang.

Jednostka organizacyjna Wydział Geoinżynierii
Kierunek studiów Inżynieria środowiska
Forma studiów Stacjonarne
Poziom kształcenia Pierwszego stopnia
Profil studiów ogólnoakademicki
Języki wykładowe angielski
Limit miejsc 24
Czas trwania 7 semestrów
Adres komisji rekrutacyjnej Prawochenskiego street 15, 10-720 Olsztyn, Poland., wg@uwm.edu.pl
Godziny otwarcia sekretariatu Monday, Tuesday, Thursday, Friday from 10.00-14.00
Adres WWW http://wg.uwm.edu.pl
Wymagany dokument
  • Matura
  Zadaj pytanie
Obecnie nie trwają zapisy.

Minione tury w tej rekrutacji:
  • Tura 1 (22.04.2024 00:00 – 15.07.2024 15:00)

We offer a Bachelor’s course in Environmental Engineering for international students, course  last 7 semesters. The programme in Environmental Engineering is focused on engineering problems related to the protection of environment and sustainable development. Alumni, owing the Engineer’s title, will have engineering skills built upon the more general knowledge of basic subjects such as chemistry, mathematics, physics, biology and microbiology. The students are given general knowledge about environment components and basic environmental technologies used in water protection, water and sewage processing, soil remediation and land reclamation, waste management and air protection. Environmental aspects of the bioenergy production are stressed and an emphasis is put on the microbial bases of biotechnological processes in environmental engineering. The students will gain a basic knowledge of environmental law, quality assessment and management in relation to the national and international perspectives. Our teachers have years of experience in teaching international students. They are actively involved in the field, with a variety of ongoing research programs and many international publications. We are committed to both practical and theoretical education, so our students work with us on our research projects in our modern laboratories. The programme of Environmental Engineering assumes interdisciplinary knowledge and skills.



The graduates will specialize in individual topics through the choice of elective courses in various areas of environment and environmental technologies. They will master the ability to use computer techniques also for designing. The graduates will be prepared to exploit and assess the efficiency of operation of technical devices and facilities forming technical infrastructure systems in the field of: water supply and wastewater disposal, water and wastewater treatment, disposal and utilization of sewage sludge, and waste management. The graduate will be prepared for diagnostic measurements and control of effectiveness of technologies related to environmental engineering.


Professional permissions

The graduate can find employment in municipal economy enterprises, in construction and installation companies, in operational and technical services of industrial plants (operation of facilities, networks and installations related to water intake, treatment and distribution, wastewater disposal and treatment, waste management), in state and local government administration bodies, sanitary supervision and environmental protection services as well as in industry trade companies.



IB diploma, EB diploma, and a certificate of completing secondary education issued abroad. 
Detailed information are available at the website: 



The cost is 5,000 PLN/semester.


Deadline for application

The studies start in October of a particular academic year. Application is up to end of September but apply much earlier if you need to obtain additional documents, e.g. a visa.



Prof.. Marcin Zieliński

E-mail: marcin.zielinski@uwm.edu.pl
Phone: +48 895234124


Admission deadlines 2024/2025






How to apply



Documents required 



Translation of documents



Legalisation of documents




 Contact details


Office for International Cooperation

University of Warmia and Mazury in Olsztyn

Oczapowskiego St. 2

10-719 Olsztyn, Poland

e-mail: bwm@uwm.edu.pl


The office is open to visitors from Monday to Friday from 8 AM to 2 PM.

Żaneta Kulawczyk
Phone: +48 89 524 57 64

Documents required from foreigners – candidates for studies:

1. Admission application (signed manually).

2. A certified copy of secondary school leaving certificate (with apostille or legalization),  with a clause proving the right to apply for admission to higher education institution in the country where the certificate was issued or other document recognized as equivalent to the Polish general certificate of secondary education. This does not apply to certificates recognized under international agreements. The document should be translated be a sworn translator or a consul.

Important: Original documents available on request.

3. A certificate of Polish language knowledge (only for candidates who want to study in Polish).

4. Application form from IRK online admission system.

5. A photocopy of a passport (the page with a photo). Original document available on request.

6. A receipt proving the payment of the enrolment fee (85 PLN - more information).

7. A copy of a document authorizing legal stay in Poland. Original document available on request.

8. A copy of a documents confirming insurance . Original document available on request.

Please note:

Certificate of secondary education and diplomas with a full list of grades must be translated into Polish by a sworn translator or a consul. Other documents in foreign language may by translated by a chosen translator (it does not have to be sworn translator or a consul).
